Wrangling Data: Tidyr & Forestfloor

R Libraries Used: Tidyr And Forestfloor
R is a program for doing statistical analysis and for displaying the accompanying graphics. It was initially developed by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland. It has been used by many people and organizations in the world to do statistical analysis. R as a programming language is developed from the S language. It is open source. It has the reputation of being very flexible, having good graphics, and having a large core development team and individual developers who contribute to it mainly through packages. This has enabled it to be of great power in financial modelling, numerical methods, statistical computing, biomedical and genetic research and data mining. However, the flexibility of R come at a cost, a steep learning curve. Due to this, most people focus on the base packages to do their daily statistical analysis. This article brings to light another even more flexible part of R. The use of additional and customized packages that are capable of doing specific tasks in R. It focusses on two such packages - tidyr and forestFloor. We will use these two packages to do data cleaning in R and visualization of random forests respectively.